www.ihdug.netLocation: Manyangwa off Gayaza-Kalagi roadDistance: 0.5km from Manyangwa TC (tarmac)Size: Lies on 40 DecimalsPlumbery Ready2 rooms servants quarters compartmentunfurnished kitchenFloor ready for tilesSpacious compoundReady dug water wellCommercial plot stretches from the main road with Banana plantationHydro electricity power rangeSafe and secure neighborhoodTitle ready
House for sale – Gayaza, Manyangwa
www.ihdug.netLocation: Manyangwa off Gayaza-Kalagi roadDistance: 0.5km from Manyangwa TC (tarmac)Size: Lies on 40 DecimalsPlumbery Ready2 rooms servants quarters compartmentunfurnished kitchenFloor ready for tilesSpacious compoundReady dug water wellCommercial plot stretches from the main road with Banana plantationHydro electricity power rangeSafe and secure neighborhoodTitle ready